Welcome to
Ruminant Health & Welfare

An independent, industry-based network responsible for identifying priorities, facilitating industry collaboration and promoting proven interventions that will support farmers to build the health and welfare status of our national flock and herd.

Sheep flock in Nidderdale, Yorkshire Dales

The Health and Welfare of livestock is woven into our farming culture and is a day-to-day priority in our flocks and herds.

Ruminant Health & Welfare is an independent, industry-based body tasked with helping farmers and stock managers tackle sheep and cattle disease, and build the health and welfare status, resilience and production efficiency of our national flock and herd. 

Good diagnostics and effective therapies, vaccines, control and sometimes eradication programmes are the tools of disease control. However, co-ordination and collaboration across farms and across the four nations are also vital components of progress.

Ruminant Health & Welfare has a responsibility to producers to identify priorities and build the collaborative energy to generate change. The right results will underpin industry efforts to meet Net Zero and responsible antibiotic use ambitions.

Our Aims



...key priorities, integral to improving ruminant health and welfare outcomes.



...evidence sharing and collaboration to find interventions that will improve ruminant health and welfare outcomes.



...evidence and conclusions to farmers that will generate momentum and positive improvements to the health and welfare status of the national flock and herd.