Call out for farmers and vets to participate in BTV-3 impact survey

Survey now closed

Farmers and vets need accurate information to make informed decisions about vaccinating for bluetongue serotype 3. 

Farmers were asked to take part in the BTV-3 impact survey so we can understand the live situation on UK farms.

All feedback and responses were anonymous. 

ACT on BTV-3

RH&W’s advice to farmers and their vets remains three-fold, farmers need to beware when buying animals in, take action to report any signs, and always, remain vigilant and monitor livestock closely. 

To ‘act’ on BTV-3, be aware of how bluetongue is transmitted as a vector-borne disease, take caution against misinformation, and promote evidence-based tactics on-farm.

  1. Awareness of how BTV-3 is transmitted as a vector-borne disease
  2. Caution against any misinformation, but instead view the latest facts
  3. Tactics on-farm to help with midge control must be evidence-based
If faced with challenges, there are a number of resources farmers can access and charities that you can contact for support.

RABI – 0800 188 4444

FCN – 03000 111 999

YANA – 0300 323 0400

Addington Fund – 01926 620135

DPJ Foundation– 0800 587 4262

We Are Farming Minds – 0808 802 0070 / Text – 07786 203 130

Forage Aid – 01926 620135

Mind Charity – 0300 123 3393

Samaritans – 116 123

C.A.L.L (Wales)  0800 132 737

RSABI (Scotland) – 0800 1234 555