Cattle and sheep grazing together

Information for farmers in former TCZ

Ruminant Health & Welfare has worked with stakeholders from across the ruminant sector to create a flowchart to help farmers in the recently lifted Temporary Control Zones (TCZ) navigate what this means for their farm and animal movements during the


February 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to Ruminant Health & Welfare Welcome to the first RH&W newsletter of 2024Our important work continues with our focus now on developing a beef welfare strategy with the working group as well as progressing the welfare goals identified in


Seasonally vector low period announced for bluetongue

Defra has announced that we are now in a seasonally vector low period when midge activity is much lower, leading to some changes to disease control measures for BTV-3. BTV-3 is the new strain of bluetongue currently being found in


December Newsletter

Welcome to Ruminant Health & Welfare 2023 will go down as the year of collaboration with the launch of the RH&W Dairy Welfare and RH&W Sheep welfare strategies in June and November respectively, both with a 5-year vision to show progress in animal