News Press Release

Norfolk farmers and other stakeholders invited to bluetongue discussion in-person meeting

BTV hotline

Norfolk farmers and other stakeholders invited to bluetongue discussion in-person meeting

A farmer focussed bluetongue meeting is being organised for Monday 15 January by key industry organisations working together to provide support and information for farmers and vets in the Norfolk Temporary Control Zone (TCZ).

Chairing the meeting will be Hugh Broom, NFU East livestock board member, and Dan Phipps, NSA Chairman.

“There are now over 40 confirmed cases of the most recent strain of bluetongue – BTV-3, across Norfolk and Kent TCZs, so this urgent meeting is being held to provide the latest updates for farmers and vets,” explains Mr Broom.

Mr Phipps shares why a collaborative approach is important: “By bringing together representatives and experts across key industry organisations, we hope to help build vital networks within the TCZ in Norfolk.

“Ensuring vital and importantly, up to date BTV-3 information is accurately shared with farmers is dependent on all of the industry experts and stakeholders collaborating,” adds Mr Phipps.

The meeting is being held at Dunston Hall (Dunston Hall Hotel, Norwich, NR14 8PQ) from 7pm to 8.30pm, and will provide an update on bluetongue and important areas such as the new movement licences which permit animals in the TCZs to be moved where there is a welfare need either for slaughter or to a designated abattoir.  Advice remains apply early if you think you need a licence.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions and hear from a panel of expert speakers.

Responsible for delivering and supporting the meeting are:  Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS), British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA), British Meat Processors Association, (BMPA), Livestock Auctioneers’ Association (LAA), National Beef Association (NBA), National Farmers Union (NFU), National Sheep Association (NSA), Ruminant Health & Welfare (RH&W) and Sheep Veterinary Society (SVS).  

Further event details and updates will be available here: Bluetongue virus update for farmers | AHDB

Farmers can call the dedicated bluetongue hotline to get advice or ask questions linked to the current situation – call the bluetongue hotline on 024 7771 0386 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

To find full details about animal movements within or around TCZ’s, and a licence application form visit our resources page:

A current list of designated abattoirs can be found here.

Further information on clinical signs and resources can be found here: